Sometimes an easy fix ends up in a brand new space. This is the story of how I had to remake my cosplay room from scratch when I just wanted a new cupboard.
I spend a lot of time crafting, and I think having a space to be creative is very important and part of the creative process. When I first moved to my new house the first thing I did was to find a space for my sewing machines and all my tools. At the beginning it all worked well. I adopted some furniture and filled the place with my stuff. But when I decided to make some changes it all went wrong.
My first working space ever
Having a room for my cosplays is a new thing for me. For a long time I only had a little space at home where I could do my crafts, and store them, and sleep.
I used my bed as a table most of the time
At the very beginning, when I started cosplay, I had to alternate between my bedroom and the guest room. The sewing machine was there. As you can imagine it wasn’t very comfortable nor productive. I only had a table and a cupboard to put all my tools and my fabrics and cosplays were everywhere around the house. It wasn’t ideal, but at the time it worked.
My room was untidy all the time , my tools, cosplays and living space were all mixed together.
A few years later I decided to move the machines to my bedroom. In a sense it was great because now all my stuff was together. However, it was very difficult to disconnect, and my tiny room was messy all the time. I hardly had any space to move or to live.
The new space and the catastrophe
When I moved to my new house I knew it was my chance. I was lucky enough to have a spare room just for my crafts. The house was old but I could make it work. The wallpaper was in good condition. The carpet floor wasn’t ideal but would have to do for the time. We made some shelves for the old fitted in cupboard out of an old door and I filled the room with all my tools and fabric.
The fireplace was gone, and so was the wall My old cupboard made with wood from an old door.
For a year or two the place was ideal. However, as it is usually the case, I soon run out of space. Therefore, I decided to get a bigger cupboard to store all my fabrics. My father in law offered to make it. He is an amazing carpenter and I trusted him with it while I went on holidays.
The new cupboard and replastered walls The ceiling tiles were a fire hazard and had to come down too
But alas! When I came back the cupboard was not finished, the wallpaper was ripped off and there was a huge hole where the fireplace used to be. Carpet was gone as well. With his good will he had tried to refit the fireplace and doing so the old walls had crumbled down.
Cosplay room from scratch
I had to put a hold on all my current projects and focus on fixing the mess. As I couldn’t save the room I may as well remake it to fit my purposes. I went all over and designed a new room from scratch.
Of course, IKEA was my choice to get my new cupboards. Inexpensive and beautiful. It was much easier to order online so I did. I even got an amazing view of how my room would look with one of their apps. Guess what? They messed up the order, and a quick delivery became months of despair…
After two scratched units, missing pieces, 5 delays and about 10 calls to the customer service, I eventually got my new furniture and was able to finish this oddysey. In total, t took us 4 months of hard work plastering walls, wallpapering, adding a new floor, new ceiling and assembling all those IKEA units. And this was because I just wanted to get ONE new cupboard in my room.
However, now I have the most amazing cosplay room ever. It was frustrating and took longer than I would have liked but now I have all the space in the world to store all my wigs. My fabric looks pretty and tidy. All my cosplays are stored succesfully and it is just a real pleasure to work on my sewing room.
Sometimes things don’t go according to plan, but with a bit of patience you will eventually get there. Next time I will give you a guided tour of my room and will let you know what’s in all those cupboards!

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