It has been a while since I posted a new review! Today I bring you a contact lens review for Coloured spelt the British way with a “u” which sounds much cooler and posh.
Full disclaimer, this post is not sponsored and I didn’t get paid to make it, however I did get the contact lenses for free and I may get a small commission if you click on any of the links in this article. Of course, I will be making an honest review, and these are my real thoughts about the product.
As I was saying, a few weeks ago I received a message from Amy, who asked me if I would be interested in reviewing some of the products from their contact lenses store. Now, I do get a few emails throughout the year asking me to collaborate or make reviews and I usually say no, but as I do use contact lenses a lot for my cosplays, I took a look at their website and decided to give it a go.

Coloured contacts is a company with over 20 years of experience and it delivers its products to many countries around the world, they offer fantasy coloured contacts as well as prescription and toric lenses for astigmatism.

I sent a message back to Amy, I just had to wait for the delivery. And let me tell you something, it was fast. I literally got my contacts two days later, and this was just the standard shipping! Coloured contacts deliver to the European Union, the USA, the UK, Canada and Australia. And although shipping time varies depending on where you are, I can tell you that in the UK and the USA it is about 1 to 3 working days. The shipping price is also quite reasonable, and you can get more information in their webpage about the shipping costs before you purchase anything.
I think their page was super well organised and transparent, and you can search for contacts by colour, style or prescription among other things. In particular I like their info about comfort and transparency levels, because if you have dark eyes like me, not all lenses will look good on you.
About the lenses
The lenses came super well padded and in a little box and they actually included a little mirror and a travel size contact lens bottle, which I find is a life saver. I was sent three pairs of contacts but I only got two cases for them, not a big deal because I get a free case every time I buy contact lens solution. I chose three different styles, a hazel brown colour for a subtle effect, a star patterned contacts which I thought would look super cool for Raiden, and pink UV light reactive lenses for Yae Miko because I just needed to try these.

One of the things that I love the most about their contacts is that they are both CE and FDA certified. If you don’t know what that is, it means that they have been tested and approved by the European and the American public health bodies. And I have researched this in the past, it is quite difficult to get an FDA certificate for contact lenses so you know you are going to be safe.

The duration of these lenses are between a month and 90 days, but you can get daily lenses as well, which I think are a great solution if you have itchy eyes or if you only use lenses once a year.
Pure Hazel

The first pair I chose was called Pure Hazel. I wouldn’t say these contacts covered my brown eyes super well, but they did add a little bit of definition to my eyes and overall I think they did enhance my gaze.

The Pure Hazel come in a light brown colour with yellow tints and a grey rim on the outside. I used them to test my Kujo Sara wig as these were the most natural looking yellowish lenses I could find in their store. These contacts come in up to a -6 power prescription and were only slightly bigger than my iris, which makes them look very natural.

These lenses last 30 days and they were super thin. Actually, they were so thin at some point I couldn’t remember if I was wearing them or not. They looked super natural in my eyes and they were very comfortable, but as the effect was so subtle in my eyes I am giving them an overall score of 3 out of 5.
Violet Galaxy

My next choice was the Violet Galaxy. Personally I love contact lenses with little designs on them, they are actually very subtle and make the eyes look more interesting.

These contacts are a mixture of lavender and violet and they were a perfect match for my Raiden Shogun, which after all is an ancient god who looks for eternity. They feature a swirley galaxy effect with little white stars around it. They were pretty well balanced and they pretty much stayed in the same position without any visible rotation effect which is common in this type of lens.

Overall, I loved the effect, they were actually lighter in colour than I expected, but this just added to the mystique effect. They were comfortable and last 90 days, which is perfect for a few shoots. These lenses are also available in grey and blue but they seem to only come as a non-prescription plano power. My overall score is nevertheless 5 out of 5.
Pink UV-I-Glow

The Pink UV-i-Glow were by far my favourite lenses. Just think of the possibilities for cosplay. They are striking and bold, and they shine with UV light!

The pink glow lenses are just pure pink. They are almost fluorescent without any light shining at them. However, their full potential strikes when you hit them with a UV light torch and they simply glow in the dark. It is a really cool effect that makes a perfect match for Yae Miko in her final form. I actually can’t wait to finish this cosplay to take pictures with these contacts.

These contacts are available in several colours, some of them with prescription and you can choose between daily and monthly pairs. The effect is amazing, although remember it will only work if using the correct light, and remember to do so carefully, you don’t want to stare directly nor for a prolonged time to a UV light. They were simply magical, another 5 out of 5 from me.
Overall impression
I think is a great contestant for fancy contact lenses. Their strongest points are by far their quick shipping times and their safety regulations. Getting those CE and FDA certificates gives me a peace of mind that I don’t always have with other brands. However, for my own needs as a cosplayer, they do have one flaw. They need a bigger selection of contacts! Yes, I know it is difficult to get a bigger catalogue that is also safe and tested, but I would love to see more colours and bigger diameters in their lenses. I am very much missing the big anime eye which makes your eyes look like a cartoon. I would love to see more of these coming in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to review these products. I am looking forwards to use your contacts in the future and you will see them featured in some of my new cosplays that I am already making soon.

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