Have you ever felt your eyes gritty, or like you got sand in your eyes? Maybe your eyes were really itchy when you put your contact lenses on after a while in their case? This is probably because your lenses weren’t clean enough. These are the best ways to keep your contact lenses clean that you should try.
Dirty lenses are not only uncomfortable but risky too. I have a huge collection of coloured contact lenses by now. Of course, I want to be on the safe side with them to protect my eyes. And you should be too!
What you will need
You need to keep your contact lenses clean for your own safety. Some people don’t realise the importance of changing the solution of the lenses or the cases. Even those contact lenses for cosplay that last for a year need regular maintenance. In order to be on the safe side you will need the following
All in one solution
When looking after your lenses, this step is not optional. If you purchase contact lenses which last for more than one use, you need to store them on contact lens solution. Full stop. This solution will desinfect your lenses and make them appropriate to wear. It is very important to change the solution every few weeks to make sure it is effective. Saline solution or water are not an option! Make sure you read my contact lens FAQs to learn a bit more about it.
Lens cases
Changing the contact lens cases will help them to stay clean. It is something very important and you should do it! If you don’t change them you are giving the opportunity to bacteria to build a little house with a patio and a huge swimming pool on your case. Not good if they decide to surf to your lenses and your eyes. The recommended period is about every 3 months. I would suggest changing the case at least once or twice through the life of your contact lenses. You can get these cases in bulk for very cheap.
3 ways to keep your contact lenses clean
When actually trying to clean your lenses you have several options. These are the ones that I use and you can even combine the methods for extra peace of mind.
Hand rub
This method is not the best but it is still better than no method. When you wear your lenses protein accumulates on them which makes them less breathable. To get rid of all the impurities gently rub the lenses with your fingers and a bit of lens solution. I do this before and after I wear to make sure they are always clean.
Manual contact lens cleaner
You can get a manual contact lens cleaner for very little and it will prevent you from touching the contact lenses with your hands in order to clean them. I think this little device is ideal specially if you are travelling and you want to keep your contact lenses safe. You won’t always have the chance to clean your hands properly and this is where a pair of contact lens tweezers and this device come in handy.
Contact lens cleaning machine
Keep in mind that if your eyes are healthy and not very sensitive to begin with you may not notice a huge difference when using these machines. This doesn’t mean the machine is not doing its work. There are different types. Some create little waves that will remove any dirt from your lenses, other like my 3N contact lens cleaner absorb the proteins of your lenses by releasing hydrogen and are completely noiseless.
Just add cleaning solution to your gadget, submerge your contact lenses on the liquid, press the power button and wait as instructed. All the protein and dirt will get away from your lenses and they will be clean from any impurities.
To sum up
Remember, wearing contact lenses is fun, but you should always put safety first. If you follow the steps above, your lenses will last longer and will feel much more comfortable when you wear them. You will also reduce the chances of getting any infections. Remember, if your contact lenses don’t feel comfortable after 5 minutes, take them off immediately. Also consult a professional before you wear contact lenses for the first time and always be on the safe side. If in doubt, take them off.

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