Everybody has been affected one way or another by the SARS-CoV-2. Just another name for the Coronavirus or Covid-19. The situation has escalated so quickly that after infecting a good chunk of Asia, Europe is now the epicentre of the pandemic and USA is not far behind. Schools are closed and conventions and gatherings are postponed. Suddenly your Apocalypse zombie movies don’t look so dumb. The situation is severe and there are plenty of people already in quarantine. It is time to get together. Let’s unite all cosplayers against Coronavirus. What can we do?
It is NOT a flu
First of all, let’s explain a bit of this virus just in case you have been living on a shell (I’m looking at you otakus and gamers)
Many of you are sceptical. “Even if I get it I will just be ill for a few days and nothing will happen to me” Right? … Wrong! The main problem with this new virus is not its mortality rate (which is by the way higher than the flu). Most of you young people on the peek of your life will barely suffer its symptoms if you ever get it. The real problem with this virus is its contagion rate. It is so new, that nobody has defences for it (watch Cells at Work to learn more about how Memory Cells work)
Remember in mid winter when you wanted to go to the doctor’s but there were no spaces because everybody had the flu? Multiply that by 3 (and add the flu cases). If everybody got infected with this new virus, sanitary systems would just collapse. Even if only 1% of the population develop severe symptoms (usually pneumonia) the system won’t be able to cope with it. Full stop. If you are unlucky and happen to have an apendicitis or any other illness during that time, that’s when I would be scared, because there would be not enough room nor sanitary personnel to deal with everybody.
Furthermore, the illness seems to especially affect those with underlying problems. Our community, as strong as it is, is full of people with illnesses like asthma, immune diseases or chronic illnesses. Not to mention your very old granny who helped you sew that very first cosplay of yours and you visit every Sunday. You don’t wanna pass it onto them! 1 out of 10 elderly people sadly won’t make it if they catch it.
Cosplayers, what can we do?
I will spare you the measurements to keep you and your loved ones save. To sum up, try not to go out unless it is necessary, like food and essential supplies (fabric shop is not necessary) and wash your hands with soap or sanitiser for at least 20 seconds (the length of the Imperial March). Also, cough on your elbows (like Batman) and bin tissues as you use them.
Once you take all precautionary measurements , let’s see what else you can do. You have been given a unique chance in your lifes. Maybe you are in quarantine yourself. Your con has been postponed and you have lots of free time. It is not time to despair. It is time to do what we do best. Let’s entertain.
Keep calm and carry on
I’m sure you have plenty of projects to keep yourself entertained. It is time to crack on and not panic. If you are calm, people around you will be calm too, carry on with what you are doing because you are doing it great! Maybe delay going to the shops and work with what you have. Making plans is an option too.
Join a scrap challenge
What can you do with the materials you have at home? I have loads! Evil Ted has organised a Stay at Home Foam Challenge and Kirilee Cosplay has her own #scrapepic challenge. You would be surprised of what you can make with things you already have in your stash! You don’t need to go out nor put you and others at risk and you will be saving the planet reusing stuff! Win win. 90% of my Froppy cosplay was actually done with materials I already had at home!
Finish a cosplay you left undone
Again, you probably shouldn’t go out. No worries, I’m sure you do have plenty of projects you have left unfinished. It is time to dust off those old builds and get them out of your list. It will give you satisfaction and closure. And a new cosplay to show! I have plenty of unfinished projects at the moment so maybe it is their time to shine. Everybody is going to have so many awesome things to wear when the conventions are back on.

Learn something new
With no concrunch you have time to be a perfectionist. You can practice and investigate new ways of making your cosplays. If you don’t know where to start here you have a bunch of tutorials I have written during the years that may help. Maybe you can find a new solution for an old problem and you can share it with us!

Talk with your community
Like you, there is many other people frustrated because of this situation. Why not join some new groups and talk about your plans and current builds. There are many supportive communities which are organising virtual cons and virtual panels. Why not join in? I am in several Facebook groups like the UK Cosplay Community, SheProp Community or Kamui’s Cosplay Community just to name a few. And they are great! They will answer all your questions.
Share, share and share!
For me, this is the most important part. Share your stuff! We are a community who loves sharing. In bad times the best thing we can do is keep smiling and cheer on others. Share your new cosplays, your works in progress, your tutorials! Let’s keep people entertained. Join groups online and go live on your social media. Be creative and show it to the world! We have all we need on our fingertips. The lock down won’t be for long, let’s just keep it cool. I will be trying my best and I’ll share all my work with the hashtag #cosplayvscorona, feel free to join me on Instagram and Facebook.
On these dark days you want to keep yourself healthy and entertained. But about all think of others and about what you can do to help them. Share the love.
What I AM doing
For the next few weeks I am planning to work harder than ever. I will create new cosplays and I will be releasing new photoshoots, new free tutorials and lots of free content including patterns. Just wait for it! Don’t forget to check my YouTube videos where I will post some of my builds too.
I would also like to help those who cannot go outside but still want to keep creating and in order to do so my Etsy shop will be on sale until the 1st of April (2020). No code needed. You can also check my Ko-Fi rewards with tutorials and patterns for my latest cosplay (Froppy). And I will be adding extras to them for free as soon as I get the content ready!

Althought there is no ban in the UK yet, I myself will not be going to my daily job for a few weeks. For me it means no income at all. However, I feel this is the right decision to protect myself and others in my community and at home. Feel free to support me and those in a similar situation if you can and want to. You can visit my Etsy Shop or my Ko-Fi page if you want to help.
Together we can make it! Stay safe! We will beat the Coronavirus!