I have been wearing coloured contact lenses for many years. I am way past my not so good first contact lenses experience. Although I have been careful I must admit I haven’t always taken all the precautions I should have to make sure my lenses were safe. There were some things I wish I had known before and that is why I have created this wearing coloured contact lenses FAQs. Coloured contact lenses can change not only the colour but the shape of your eye. They are fun to wear, but yuo need to follow some precautions in order to be completely safe.

Please, take this guide as an advice only. I made this list to the best of my knowledge and best intentions but cannot guarantee all the information is acurate. I am not an ophtalmologist, I am just a hobbyist, if you have any concerns or doubts, do not wear your lenses and ask your doctor first. These are some of the questions you may ask yourself while wearing contacts.
First timers and general knowledge
How do I know if my contact lenses are safe? Make sure your contact lenses come at least with the CE certification symbol which means they are approved to the European standards. There are other certifications like the KGMP from Korea or the US FDA.
Look for symbols that guarantee the safety of your lenses
My eyesight is perfect, can I wear coloured contacts? Yes, you can, there are many lenses available for you.
Are there coloured lenses with prescription? Yes, of course. Many models let you choose the prescription of the lens. There are lenses for most types of eyes including toric lenses for astigmatism.
Are they made of glass? No, they are made of hydrophilic plastics called hydrogels. They are like jelly to the touch and very soft.
Contact lenses are made of a type of plastic that feels like jelly to the touch
Does it hurt to wear contact lenses? Generally it doesn’t but sometimes when you are putting them on you may feel as if you had soap in your eyes for a few seconds. This is usually because your lenses or hands weren’t clean enough. However, if they do hurt for longer than 5 minutes take them off.
Will I see blurry? Generally no. After a couple of minutes your eyes should adjust. There are some lenses that will make your vision a bit blurry, for example if they have a mesh, but nothing drastic.
Is it difficult to take them off? No, for some people it is actually easier to take them off than to get them in.
Coloured lenses like my Sweety Bella Grey can completely change the colour of your eyes
I have dark eyes, can I get contact lenses that cover them? Yes, the best thing to find high coverage lenses is to check reviews and photos from other customers.
Can you recommend a trusted seller? Yes, my trusted seller is Uniqso, I have been wearing their coloured lenses for years. Use my code ALICECOS for a 10% off disccount.
Wearing your lenses
Do contact lenses come in different sizes? The short answer is yes. Before you wear your first contact lenses I recommend you to visit the ophtalmologist so they can measure your eyes. You can read more information about it on my choosing coloured contact lenses article.
Do contact lenses expire? Yes, make sure you check your package before you wear them, specially if you have stored them for a long time. It will give you an expiry date.
How long can I wear my lenses? They usually recommend a maximum of 8 hours per day, after this time your eyes start getting tired and itchy, you will notice discomfort, your eyes will get red and it will feel like there is grit in your eyes.
What is the disposable time of my lenses? There are many types of lenses, some of them are daily some of them are yearly. Your supplier should be able to tell you how long they will last. However, keep in mind that your lenses will wear off. Yearly lenses are designed to be used sporadically. If you wear them daily you will shorten their life to three months.
You can find very useful information like the expiry date on the package of your lenses
Can I use them after the disposable time? I do not recommend it. I have worn them myself a few more weeks after they have expired, but it is an unnecessary risk. If you decide to wear them and your eyes are itchy take them out inmediatly!
Is it true that some last for over a year? Yes, but they will last less time if you wear them daily, yearly lenses may last about 3 months if you wear them every day. Discard as soon as they feel uncomfortable.
Things you can and can’t do with your contact lenses
Can sleep with them? No, this is actually dangerous. Don’t do it unless your optician gives you different instructions.
Can I dive with them? No, you shouldn’t. The water is full of bacteria and chemicals that could damage your lenses and therefore your eyes. It is not recommended.
Can I share them? Would you share a chewie? Then no. Every eye has its own bacteria, you could end up with a very bad infection.
Wearing my Sweety Devil Red contact lenses with make up
Can I wear make up with them? Yes, but many people recommend to apply make up after you get your lenses on. This is to avoid make up entering your eye and also to avoid tears smudging your make up when you put your lenses on.
Can I wash them? Only with contact lens solution or saline solution, never with water!
Can I store them in water? No! You need all-in-one solution, it is only cheap and will clean and desinfect your lenses for the next use, tap water has bacteria that could be dangerous to your eyes.
Can I store my lenses in saline solution? No, the saline solution is only to rinse them. Never store your lenses in this solution after you have worn them. You need all in one solution to disinfect them.
How should I store my lenses? You need to store them in a lens case with all-in-one contact lens solution. You can find it in pharmacies, ophtalmologists and big stores.
Is it OK to store them in the bathroom? Actually no. You need to store them in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. The bathroom is actually one of the worst places to store them as it gets hot and steamy when you have a shower.
I store my lenses in a drawer away from the bathroom
My lens doesn’t look round or has sharp edges, is this normal? No, your lens is broken. Do not wear it and contact the seller if it is a new pair. They are damaged and can damage your eyes. Discard immediately if you feel discomfort and your lens doesn’t look right. If your lens is discoloured discard it as well.
Can I rehydrate my lenses if they dry out? You shouldn’t. Even if they seem to get back to normal I do not recommend it as they may be damaged and you are risking your eyes.
Health concerns
I have seen many pictures of people getting very bad injuries. Will it happen to me? It is possible but not very likely. Some people have sensible eyes, used the wrong size of lenses, got allergic reactions or just wore them for too long or not following the instructions. The best thing you can do is making sure that you are using a trusted brand and that you follow the instructions given. Your best bet is looking after your lenses. If you wear lenses and feel uncomfortable after 5 minutes take them off immediately.
Can I become blind? There is a bacteria that can cause permanent loss of sight if it gets to your eye. The best way to avoid it is being very careful and looking after your contact lenses. Clean them properly with the recommended solutions and do not exceed the disposable period. Always clean your hands to put them on and off and never ever use tap water to clean them.
I use the 3N Contact Lens cleaner to keep my lenses as clean as possible
I cry every time I put on my lenses, is this normal? Yes and no, your eyes are just adjusting and they may get watery. Sometimes you may feel a momentaneous pain if you didn’t clean them properly. You should stop crying after a couple of minutes. If you don’t, take them off.
My eyes are very itchy or very red, is this normal? Probably not, if they still feel or look the same after 5 minutes take them off.

I believe I have covered mos of the questions here. Have you got any other contact lenses FAQs? Don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments. And if you need help organising your collection, check my Cosplay Planner. It comes with a downloadable section in which you can keep track of when you opened your lenses for the first time. You can also support me on Ko-fi if you want me to keep adding new interesting content to my blog.