If you are a costume maker you will end up needing to use fabric gloves at some time. They are very cheap and easy to find in the costume shop, but they may not always have the length or colour you are looking for. Not to say, the quality tends to be unbelieavably terrible! That is why I am going to show you my way to make easy stretch fabric gloves.
There are more accurate ways to do this, and there is also a way of making non-stretch gloves, but I will be showing you this another time. For now, this is my easy stretch fabric gloves tutorial.
Steps to make easy stretch fabric gloves
- Trace the contour of your hand (with your fingers stretched wide) in a paper.
- Make the pattern a bit wider, specially around the wrist. If you make your pattern too narrow, your hand won’t go through.
- Trace your pattern in your fabric folded in half and right sides together.
- Sew following the lines. For more accuracy, you can use adhesive paper to stabilise stretch fabric but I used masking tape instead.
- Cut the excess of fabric. Clip the tops and the fabric between the fingers (don’t cut the thread).
- . Turn your fabric and poke those fingers out and you are done.

Further Notes
As I said, using masking tape is a good trick to stabilise stretch fabric. However, it will potentially make your needle sticky and you will need to clean it very well with alcohol or acetone to prevent it from staining other projects.

Remember to use a zigzag stitch when you are working with stretch fabric. Furthermore, it is always a good idea to use the correct needle for stretch fabric. This will prevent your machine from skipping stitches.