I stumbled upon a MMORPG called Forsaken world and I was hooked for months. Of course, my favourite character had to be a vampire. My avatar was a vampire kindred. Badass, giant cross and huge wings. What could go wrong?
My vampire kindred cosplay took me months to complete! But it was totally worth it. It is stupidly detailed so I won’t be able to go through the whole process but I will give you some insights.
How I made my Vampire Kindred Cosplay
My vampire kindred was a process of months. I was researching and drawing pieces for a long time before I started even cutting anything.
This cosplay was a very complicated build. It had hundreds of little pieces that I built one by one using craft foam and a heater. I didn’t have a heatgun at the time which made it take even longer. It was very time consuming.

The painting process was very long but I really enjoyed it! The trick is on the shadows and highlights, it is what makes your armour pop! I always go for a subtle blending instead of the cartoony look (which is awesome but less realistic)

I am proudest of my giant cross, it is over 1 meter long and I had to scale it down as it was impossible to move around with it otherwise! The frame of the cross I did with cardboard. Later I used wood sticks to reinforce it, and foam and the wood effect is actually a sticker!

Also, I modelled a hell of a lot of details with foam dough. It is light weight and easy to model. It lasted perfectly well attached to the fabric with E6000 glue.
The corset was a bit of a pain as it did have some strange shapes, specially the bust. After several atempts I managed to get it right.

My wings are the only thing I got helped with. My dad drilled the wholes and cut the tubes with the saw. I wrote a full tutorial on how to make collapsable wings.
Wearing the Cosplay
Also, if you want to see our skit with Larxenne Cosplay as a lycan check the video, we earned best costume in show. It was my first skit and we first practiced it the night before at about 4 in the morning with the cosplays still unfinished.
Fun Fact 1: My friend Larxenne really stabbed me with the sword during the performance. I had a bruise for days.
Fun Fact 2: I never got the chance to take proper pictures with my giant cross. The cross is at my friends Hawk’s photography studio decorating his room.
Fun Fact 3: I had to paint Larxenne with silver paints before the convention. Later, she had to take it off in the bathroom of the event. Everything was shiny afterwards.
Character | Vampire Kindred |
Series | Forsaken World |
Finished | March 2014 |
Photo | Alice in Cosplayland |
Edit | Alice in Cosplayland |
Worn at | Salon Manga Alicante 2014 |
Building time | 5 months |