Now a days there are many sites were you can buy wigs of many different colours. They all have different shapes, lengths and hairstyles so it is not very often you will need to dye your own wigs. However, there is the odd chance that you are looking for something specific or just you want to recycle and old wig. I am going to show you how to dye a wig with permanent ink, quick and cheap.
Materials you will need
The materials you need to dye a wig are:
- Wig (preferably white)
- Permanent markers of your chosen colour
- Rubbing alcohol
- Spray bottle
- Knife
- Water.
- Gloves
Keep in mind that this process can get messy, I highly recommend you to wear an apron, gloves and cover your workspace to make sure you don’t stain anything during the process. Also, note that I didn’t use any special brands when I chose my marker but many people like the brand Sharpie.
Preparing the dye
In order to get the dye, I first opened the marker and I used a knife to open the ink cartridge. Then, I put the cartridge with the ink inside the spray bottle. After that I filled it with 2 thirds of 96º rubbing alcohol and a third of water, You can also use 70º alcohol and no water instead. Once you have your mixture ready, close your bottle and shake it well.
Dye a wig with permanent ink
Make sure to start by a hidden strand or some cut leftovers to make sure you got the right colour. Darker colours may need a higher concentration of ink. Also, remember that while the wig is still wet, the colour will look much darker than it actually is when dry.
Always start from the bottom of the wig as it will be easier to move upwards later. Get little strands at a time and make sure to cover well the roots rubbing them with your hands. For larger wigs, use hair clips to keep the extra hair away.
Once the wig is completely dyed let it dry or use the blow dryer on a low setting. Although it is not likely in some occasion dyed wigs like these may bleed. Make sure you test it first.
Re-styling the wig
If you are using a heat resistant wig you can use the iron and a hairdryer to shape it. You can also remake the curls or create any other style. However, keep in mind that some hairsprays may make your wig bleed so it is better to test it first. With a bit of love, your wig will be perfect.
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