Ignis is a character from a Japanese adult visual novel. She is a demon hunter and expert with a katana. I fell in love with the character the first time I saw her. She is a martial artist, what could go wrong with it? She has appeared in several fighting games and to sum up she is a badass. That is why I decided to make my own Ignis cosplay.
Making my Ignis Cosplay
This cosplay required a lot of imagination. At the time I still didn’t know much about sewing but I managed to get something decent. My corset had many pieces and they were all finished with bias tape. I made all the extra details with craft foam. Also, I used a black marker to add volume to it.

The skirt consisted of several panels attached to a waistband. I painted all the butterflies one by one using several layers of fabric paint. Here you have some extra tips for painting fabric. I first drew the pattern on paper and traced it with a pencil over my fabric.

The most difficult part was the back of the cosplay. It was all made with leather and mesh fabric. At the time I didn’t have the right materials to sew them together so I decided to stick it with double sided tape. It incredible held together and it is still in place.
I had a bokken at home I wasn’t using at the time. I used an airbrush to paint the blade of my sword. As it is usually the case, I had problems getting the right consistency of the paint and I ended up painting the black part of the sword with spray paint. Then, I used acrylics to paint all the details.

Wearing my Ignis cosplay
I first wore this cosplay at a manga convention. When I entered the competition I was surprised as I managed to score second place with it! I was thrilled as it was probably my second contest ever. I really wasn’t expecting to win.
Later, I asked my friend Lola to take some pictures of my cosplay. We decided to go to an abandoned house that was in ruins. I think the seting was perfect.
Character | Ignis |
Series | Jingai Makyo |
Finished | November 2012 |
Photo | Lola Salinas |
Worn at | Murcia se reManga |
Building time | 1 month |