I love chinese knots and if you are making a chinese dress like a cheongsam or a qípáo you are going to need some of these. This is one of the simple knots you can make. It is also very useful for decorations of many type of dresses
Make a clover leaf knot
The best material you can use to make this kind of knot is a satin cord. In order to make your knot you will need to follow the next steps.
First, you want to find a flat surface. Keep in mind satin cord will be slippery. You can keep this knot between your fingers as you finish each step or you can help yourself with a pin board. It will be much easier to keep the cord in place.
You start by folding the cord towards you. The you want to make a loop that goes inbetween your folded section. Now fold your cord again and thread the cord trough the top section. Making another loop and another fold fit the hold inbetween your second fold.
Now comes the trickiest part. On your last loop get the cord to pass inbetween the last fold and on top of your first fold. Then return the cord behind your leaf and thread it again through your last fold.
Once everything looks like the diagram pull gently from each leaf as you hold it tight between your fingers and you should have your Clover Leaf Knot

It wasn’t so difficult to make a clover leaf knot or was it? I hope you found this tutorial useful. If you feel like it, remember you can support me on Ko-fi, there are no subscriptions and you will help me create more cosplays and more tutorials to share with you! Also, if you are looking for patterns and cosplay related downloadables make sure to check my collection!