My Inoue Orihime Casual Cosplay was a personal challenge. Not because it was difficult but because someone told me I couln’t do it. Bleach was really popular at the time and I absolutely adored the series. I suggested cosplaying Inoue to a friend and he replied to me “You can’t, you have no boobs”. Rest assured to this day I am not friends with that person anymore but either way I did accept the challenge
How I made it
This is one of those cosplays I call closet cosplays. You can make them in a day or two virtually with only things you can find inside your wardrobe. I did have a jacket, skirt and white t-shirt, and I only needed to adjust a few parts and add some details. Getting the wig and some accesories and the cosplay was done.
I made the hairpins with cardboard and puff paint and I made sure I stuffed my bra with lots and lots of socks. And you know what? I don’t care what you say. It works. And even if it didn’t I can cosplay whomever I want.
Wearing my Inoue Orihime Casual Cosplay
My lovely Ulquiorra was my friend Dokan Kuwabara. Haru-kun was in charge of the pictures, he had never taken pictures before and he made a good job! All together we had fun doind this improvised cosplay. Last minute cosplays with friends are always fun
I hope you liked my Inoue Orihime cosplay. If you feel like it, remember you can support me on Ko-fi, there are no subscriptions and you will help me create more cosplays and more tutorials to share with you! Also, if you are looking for patterns and cosplay related downloadables make sure to check my collection!