Elizabeth was never my first choice. Pink is my least favourite colour and I don’t really like silly spoiled brats like her. Yet, destiny made me be part of a Kuroshitsuji cosplay group and I decided to make my Elizabeth Middleford pink dress cosplay for a photoshoot. It turned out to bea super comfy cosplay to wear as well as so much fun! I also levelled up my sewing skills with her.
How I made it
At the time I was just learning how to make my own patterns, I made a base pattern for the top and made a circular skirt or to the bottom part. Then I made some puffed sleeves and added all the details to my pattern. I didn’t know a lot about fabric materials at the time so I chose to make my costume with the reverse part of satin fabric. I didn’t like the front as it was too shiny. Also, I made my own bias tape for the dress to make sure all the colours matched the fabric I had chosen.
The collar was detachable and I made a petticoat with wide tiers to wear under the dress. I used my trick to make perfect ribbons that she wears on her neck and the back of the skirt and I also made bootcovers for my shoes. There were a lot of details but I was very happy with all of them.
Wearing my Elizabeth Middleford Cosplay
I have only worn my Elizabeth cosplay twice. One of them was for a photoshoot with my friends. We went to a local garden to take the photos and we got some amazing ones. Unfortunately our Ciel got the date wrong and she couldn’t join the photoshoot.
However my friend Haru-kun played his part very well as Aloy Trancy. We went up to a different location in a sanctuary to take some more pictures with our cosplays and had a fun day.
I really love the pictures we took at the time, however, I would like to shoot again and improve my make up and wig as I know I could do so much better now that I did back at the time. Can’t wait to wear this dress again.
Character | Elizabeth Middleford |
Series | Kuroshitsuji |
Finished | February 2014 |
Photo | Lola Salinas |
Worn at | La Fuensanta Sanctuary |
Building time | 2 weeks |
I hope you liked my Elizabeth Middleford cosplay and my how to explanations were helpful. If you like my cosplays consider supporting me on Ko-fi, there are no subscriptions and you will help me to create more content for the blog and new cosplays. Also, if you are looking for patterns and cosplay related downloadables make sure to check my collection. I’m sure you will find something helpful.