When I first started sewing clothes I didn’t know where to buy fabric for cosplay. I took for granted that it was something really expensive and difficult to find and it would be pointless to try and get it as I didn’t have the money anyway. The funny thing is that my aunt was a seamstress and I never thought of asking her. I ended up buying XXL tshirts and the like to get the pieces I needed. My cosplay didn’t look horrible, but it didn’t look great either.
Now a days I have about 3 wardrobes full of fabric, several boxes with ready to go materials to build several characters, a cabinet full of bits and bobs and countless scrap pieces of all shapes and colours. Basic fabric is not that expensive at all, and if you know where to look it can be pretty affordable. If you have decided to start making cosplays you will be needing it at some point. It is true that you can get away with old clothes and a bit of imagination with some projects like armours but at some point you are going to be needing that fabric for one of your projects. Here is where you can find it.
Go to your local store

Is there a local store near me? Probably yes! Most big cities will have not one but many stores that sell fabric. And many small cities too! Just take a look at google maps ,you will be surprised. There may be a local shop around the corner. Obviously big stores will have a bigger range. Also, big stores usually have bigger discounts but sometimes you can find the best deals in the smallest ones.
Be aware that not all stores are the same and make sure to shop around. Some of them will specialise in a type of fabric and others will have sections. A store specialised on wedding fabrics will be more expensive but will have amazing quality. One that specialises on fancy dress will have all kinds of weird materials and will be cheaper, but the quality will not always be the best. Make sure you know your textiles before you commit.
As well as shops in the city center, sometimes you can go to a warehouse where they may sell some cheaper fabrics for you. Especially if you are looking for great quantities it is worth a try. And don’t forget the small shops either. Many times I have had to rush to the little store around the corner because I was missing some thread, buttons or a piece of fabric that I had forgotten. Do not underestimate their size as they do tend to have more than you could imagine.
- They may be able to help you decide which fabric you need.
- You can get more of the same fabric if you run out
- You can touch the material
- If you go to the same store often enough they may give you a disccount
- You can get the materials the same day
- Some stores can be pricey
- They may not always have the specialised fabrics you may need
- If you tell them you are doing a costume they may give you cheap, ugly fabric
- Going to the store can take time and cost you money
Buy online

Nowadays more and more people are buying fabric online. This is a great solution if you know what you are looking for. The shops online offer unlimited possibilities but they can also be risky.
As you can’t touch your material before it arrives you may end up with something you didn’t expect. Once I got a material which was a different colour from the one on the screen, it was pricey and it wasn’t what I wanted, yet I couldn’t send it back. Another time, I bought fabric expecting a thick material for a dress which turned out so flimsy I was never able to use it.
When you buy online it is very difficult to get your money back if you make a mistake. Make sure you know exactly what you are buying and read the descriptions. Check other people’s reviews and pictures and remember to order a swatch if in doubt. Most shops will send them for free or for a very low price.
If you are not sure of where to look I made a full list of retailers that sell fabric online in the UK, most of them sell internationally! I added lots of extra details like shipping price or style so you could choose the best seller for your project.
- They can be cheaper
- They have virtually all you will ever need
- You can shop from home
- You can’t touch nor see the material and this can lead to getting the wrong item
- It is difficult if possible at all to get your money back if your item is wrong
- Takes time to deliver
- Shipping can be expensive
Go to local markets and thrift stores

Long ago, on my quest to find where to buy fabric for cosplay I stumbled upon the local street markets. They are paradise. That is of course, if you are not looking for something in particular. Local markets have all kinds of stuff and you can buy amazing cheap fabric there. However, you may never been able to find the same offer twice.
The problem with street markets is that they sell end of the line fabrics. They bring cut offs and leftovers and lots of amazing things which would cost you 5 times more in your local shop. But, when it’s gone, it’s gone, and usually it isn’t coming back. I got some amazing deals on markets during the years but most of the time I just buy cheap fabric just in case I need it and hardly ever for my current cosplay projects.
Thrift stores and charity shops will sometimes have fabrics as well, most of the time brand new, so don’t forget to check them too. You can find amazing deals and you are contributing to a good case. Don’t forget to check them too.
- Extremely cheap
- Very odd pieces
- Vintage designs and fabrics
- Limited stock
- No guarantee you will find the same fabric twice
- No guarantee the shop will be there next time you go shopping
- Very limited opening times
- Most of the time cash only
Think out of the box

I already told you where to buy fabric for cosplay, but what about not shopping for fabric? Think about lovely scarfs, old dresses you may have at home, bed sheets or curtains! I already told you I used to buy big t-shirs to get the material. If Scarlett O’hara did it, you can do it too. You have endless possibilities. And don’t forget the sales! They apply on fabric stores too! Use your imagination and start crafting.

I know, now you are very tempted to go shopping. That is actually fine, the only possible problem is that you will end up with a pile of fabric to sew, make sure you don’t let that fabric go to waste. You can use my Cosplay Planner to organise all your fabric, I often end up buying material I already have at home because I didn’t check it! And if you run out of inspiration on what to sew get one of my pdf sewing patterns to start crafting your fandom. Have you got any other fabric tricks for fabricholics? Let me know in the comments!