Trinity Blood has been one of my favourite animes, mangas and books ever. The story is catchy, the character memorable and the wardrobe is absolutely astonishing. I am in love with gothic literature and vampires and the moment I saw her, an Astharoshe Asran cosplay was a must.
Making my Astharoshe Asran cosplay
Astharoshe was a lot of work. From difficult sewing patterns to pieces of armours, the hat or the big spear
All my armour was made with craft foam. I used my heatgun to shape all the pieces and added extra details with 3D puff paint. After I sealed the foam with several coats of glue, I painted the pieces in silver and old gold with my airbrush. I then added highlights and shadows to give more volume to the armour. I used my usual trick to get lots of gems and jewels in a budget.

There are a lot of beads and details in this cosplay. I used blue satin for the dress and meters of lace for the neck. Also, I sued an applique to my red leggings while wearing them, which resulted on myself getting stabbed a hundred time with the needle for the sake of cosplay.
I upgraded my cosplay with extra appliques and a matching corset to make it look even more royal. There are many pieces I would have done differently at the time but overall I was very happy with the outcome. I also made a petticoat for her, but it looke too big and never wore it.
Finally, I made a spear using PVC pipes, a polyestirene cone, skewers and black worbla. Again, I primed it and coated it with silver paint before I gave it a black wash in the corners.
Wearing my Astharoshe Asran cosplay
The first time I wore my Astharoshe Asran was in a photoshoot in England with my best friend Larxenne as Queen Esther. I don’t think I have ever been as cold as I was this day wearing this cosplay in winter in Liverpool. Despise the cold, my friend John managed to take amazing pictures.
The second time I wore Astharoshe I entered a competition with her. I ended up in third place but above all I enjoyed bringing her back to life. It also gave me the chance to make her weapon, the Gae Bolg spear.
I even got a little feature on a video for the event. I am looking forward to make more of her costumes.
Character | Astharoshe Asran |
Series | Trinity Blood |
Finished | March 2016 |
Photo | John Nicholson, Rogelio Cano |
Worn at | Expotaku Almeria |
Building time | 6 months |