The time of the year is approaching again, the leaves have started to fall and the days are shorter. Halloween is coming and the recurrent question is here. ‘What cosplay are you wearing for Halloween?’ My answer is always clear ‘cosplayers don’t do Halloween’
Cosplayers don’t do Halloween
It may come as a shock to you dear reader that someone with so many “costumes” as myself has “nothing to wear” for this yearly celebration. After all, it is all about dressing up. Isn’t it? I do have plenty of “costumes” (well, yeah, kind of, you may want to know more about things that aren’t cosplay). I just don’t have anything to wear in Halloween. And I am going to give you some reasons why.
1. This piece and that piece make a total of…

Would you wear an evening gown to a night out with your friends? If the answer is no, you get my point. Some of my cosplays are worth hundreds of pounds (believe me, I don’t wanna know the exact price either). I take them seriously and I do spend money on them, and that is not including the time costs. Having to make a costume for a night out, potentially to a party full of embriagated people? I rather spend the money on a cosplay for a convention. Thanks, I’ll pass.
2. I think that wing on the floor is mine

It may look like cosplays are very durable and strong. However, there is nothing further away from the truth. Foam rubs and cracks, some fabrics like organza or chiffon will tear with the lightest pull. There is a reason why cosplayers bring a cosplay first aid kit to conventions and that is because cosplays are not durable. Halloween means lots of moving here and there, kids running everywhere trying to touch everything, places full of people that will bump into you (I promise I am not talking about conventions… this time). Nope, I think I would rather keep my cosplay in one piece.
3. It will take me 5 minutes, I said 5 hous ago

Let’s be honest. Cosplays are not easy to make. Not only they are expensive but also they take a long time to make. You can always argue that you can make an easy cosplay for Halloween (hahaha, as if an easy cosplay really existed), but I would not bring one of my big builds to a day out. I am pretty sure it would be destroyed one way or another, that’s far too much effort for one night. My answer is still nope.
4. This part keeps poking into my ribs

There is one thing cosplayers can’t do, comfortable costumes. I’m sure I will find a million ways to make my cosplay uncomfortable as long as it is accurate. It could be the awkward shoes, the high heels, the huge wings, the armour that keeps falling down, the wig that is pulling your hair, the 6 kg of materials, the 6 layers of fabric. You just have to choose one reason (or seven) not to wear it. Sometimes I can’t even sit down or go to the bathroom for hours when I wear some of my cosplays! My body hurts just to think about it.
5. But I don’t wanna wash it…

Yeah, sad but true. Most cosplays aren’t washing machine friendly. Remember when you thought it was a good idea to put that piece of cardboard in between that fabric? Maybe the idea wasn’t so good after all. Painted parts will also be worn off very easily even when you follow all the instructions. I hand wash almost all my cosplays. It takes me ages, but there is no other safe way. Not to say that most stains won’t come off some of the most expensive fabrics. A night of sweets, booze, fake blood and unidentified slimy substances? Definitely not looking forwards to it.
6. Give me a break

I understand most people find Halloween a great excuse to dress up. For some it is the one time a year they can become something else. However, for a cosplayer, that is not quite the case. We spend a good part of the year making new cosplays and wearing them to different conventions all over the country. For us, Halloween is just another day on our crazy outfits. Not so special. We deserve a break too. Don’t we?

After saying all this, I may go out on Halloween after all. I will definitely put something together the night before with cardboard and tape. I’ll go out with a crappy cheap costume and feel like another human being. After all, cosplayers can hide their own identities every once in a while too. Don’t you think? Shhh, don’t tell anyone I actuall know how to make costumes.

Cosplayers don’t do Halloween but you may do. Looking for some easy to follow halloween patterns? Check my pattern collection and cosplay related downloadables. Also, remember you can support me on Ko-fi, and support my work. It will help me create more cosplays and more tutorials to share with you! Happy Halloween to come!