I know perfectly well. It has only been two weeks since you announced your list of cosplay projects and you are already struggling with it. I know I said you would never complete your list of cosplay. But you could at least give it a try. Here you have my Top 8 tips to get through your cosplay list
1. Plan in advance
Before I even start a new project I always research the character in detail. Then I take notes of all the pieces I will need and how I will make them work together. I always do my best to make sure I have all the pieces bought and sorted before I start a new project. It saves a lot of time.

I use my Cosplay Planner to help with that part and I always start with sketches and hand written notes of all the pieces and materials I will be using.
2. Dissect your cosplays into pieces
Some cosplays can be huge and look daunting. However it is much easier to divide them into smaller pieces or groups of pieces and focus on one part at a time. Instead of focusing in making a full cosplay try and finish one piece that day. I make small lists and cross the pieces down once I have finished them. You will feel much more accomplished and get much more done this way.

I like writing down all the pieces of my cosplays and crossing them out one by one as I finish them, all together it seems like a lot but if you take a piece at a time it is not so difficult! Also, you can make those lists into even smaller lists, for example, if I have to do a piece of armour I’ll write next to it, cut , assemble , prime and paint. It makes your tasks a piece of cake.
3. Don’t let your inspiration escape
In my many years as a cosplayer I have discovered that if you really feel like working on a specific piece you should go for it. As any other “job” there will be parts that will motivate you more than others. Feel a crave to make one of them now? Go for it! If you are inspired don’t let it go, probably you will finish it faster. Don’t try to force yourself to do the piece that was next on your list but you don’t feel like doing now. You may get stuck on that one, not finish it because you are not motivated and lose inspiration on the one you really wanted to do.

I never finished this project because I lost my inspiration, I forced myself into continuing with this piece instead of another one I really wanted to do, I did a terrible job with both and lost all will to keep going on the project. Now I am just waiting for my muse to come back.
4. Have an allocated time for whenever you are not motivated
As I said, having inspiration is good, but if you where to wait for it to appear for each piece you would never finish. Allocate some time for your projects. If you know Saturdays are your free days or Thursday you have a couple of hours to spare make it a routine to cosplay that day. I usually find that once I start I get hooked!

If you don’t feel like doing something big try with some easy tasks like cutting pieces, priming foam or basting. You may motivate yourself to do something more challenging once you have started.
5. Follow the 5 minutes rule
Are there any tasks that you can finish in 5 minutes? Do them now! Don’t leave them for later. Everybody has 5 minutes to spare. Something quick and simple can turn into hours if you leave a pile of things unfinished till the end.

If you just need 5 minutes to hem that skirt, attach that button or make some decorative bows do it now and you won’t have to worry about it later! It is very motivating when you spend those extra 5 minutes on something and you are able to cross that piece off your to do list.
6. Find a comfy spot and avoid distractions
Of course you do want to avoid distractions and your phone is probably the main one. Disconnecting completely is difficult but leaving your phone in silence is probably the best idea. Make sure you have plenty of time to spend on your own and no one will come to your room. Leave a do not disturb note on the door. It is cosplay time.

Ideally you should have your own space to cosplay, I recently refurbished my cosplay room and now I am super comfortable. If you feel like you are going to be interrupted or you don’t have the space to work, you will tire much quicker. Your back will also thank you if you are using a proper table and a chair. Say no to the floors!
7. Alternate projects
Some people will advice you to work on a project at a time. That never works for me. Some projects can be monotonous, lots of sewing or lots of crafting. They kind of get boring and make you want to give up. Others are just too long. Try to keep it interesting and alternate techniques and styles.

If possible have two or three projects at different stages so you don’t feel stuck on just one. It is better to work a bit on a different project than not working at all! I have a rack where I place all my ongoing or just finished projects as well as baskets with cosplay pieces so I can quickly swap projects.
8. Take a break
More often than not I find myself sewing very late at night or after long periods without rest. It is then when I commit the biggest mistakes and mess up things. Going without eating for hours is also not a good idea. Plan for breaks, eat properly and make sure to keep hydrated. There is always time for a cup of hot tea chocolate. If you are rested and focused you will do much better.

I left behind other tricks like listening to music, ask for advice or binge watching TV series while you work. There are many others. Let me know which ones keep you focused!

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