New year, new cosplay plans. Once again, here I am making a list of cosplays that I want to wear this year but more than likely will not complete on time. I do this every year and on average I end up just making half of the list and changing the other half for some completely random characters. Nevertheless, it is always very exciting to make plans and fill my Cosplay Planner so I will continue to do so. Without further ado, this is my CosPlan for 2021.
The unfinished cosplays
This list of cosplays has the most probability to be finished. One of my first projects of 2021 will probably be Nene Yashiro from Toilet Bound Hanako Kun. I’m looking forwards to the new season coming on Spring . The dress and wig are completely finished and perhaps I will wear other characters from the series too. I absolutely loved the first season last year and I am currently reading the manga.

Re:Zero Starting life in another world will also get its second part of the season this January. I have already started Echidna’s dress and will hopefully have it finished rather soon. I want to make a costest with this bodysuit I made too (here is the pattern for the bodysuit). You may or may not see a return of Emilia as well.

From my old but gold stash, Inner Moka from Rosario Vampire should make an appearance this year too. You have already seen my maid, teacher and shirt version and I finally got fabric for her uniform. This time however, the almost finished cosplay that will surely see the light is the one from Inner Moka in one of the cover versions. After spending many days detangling the long wig, the dress only needs a few adjustments to be worn. The pattern for the bustier is the same I used for Ruby last year

Other unfinished cosplays that may or may not see the light this year include Mikaila, a very gothic and unknown character that I actually quite like. Bo Peep from Toy Story, which I started but left unfinished. And an old version of Jean Grey that I have completely finished but not worn. You may also see some characters from My Hero Academia as I already have the uniforms and the new season is also on its way.
Cosplays ready to start
I always try my best to collect all the materials I need to make a cosplay before I start. In fact, I have many many cosplays ready to go… I have actually given up or postponed a few of them. Among the ones I would like to finish this year there is Tifa Lockhart. I have been playing with my new Resin 3D printer and I already have some parts of her armour. Her alternative Chinese dress is ready too. Aerith was in my original plan but gathering materials for her has proven more difficult and she is currently on the perhaps list.

Asuna in her Stacia form and Velvet Crowe with her Pirate dress are from last year’s cosplan. I do have everything to make them but as they are quite complex they may or may not see the light this year.
Ambitious plans
One of my biggest projects this year so far is Lisa from Genshin Impact. I am absolutely hooked to this game. I have already gathered tons of reference pictures of the character and I am making patterns for her. It is however very complex and it will take time. This character is very challenging and I would like to make it justice. As there are no conventions happening soon I don’t know if I will be able to enter any competitions with it. This cosplay will probably take several months to complete no matter what.

More cosplays I want to do
My CosPlan for 2021 is absolutely immense. There is a lot of characters I would like to make and simply not enough time to finish them all. For example, there are several characters from RWBY I would like to cosplay this year, including Pyrrha, Cinder or Penny. Although there aren’t many superheroes in this year’s official list, I have several in my stash, perhaps Supergirl or the Invisible woman will finally make an appearance. There are so many othert characters from all kinds of fandoms hat I couldn’t possibly write them all here. But make sure to check My Social Media if you want to follow the process and see photos of all these characters when they are complete.

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