Welcome to my Ultimate Cosplay YouTube Channel Recommendation list. Because we all love a bit of cosplay video content. As I just started recording videos again for My YouTube Channel, I decided to go looking for inspiration online and I realised I did not follow many YouTube cosplayers! With some help, I quickly put together a list of names. I know this list is not complete, but I will keep adding names as I come accross them. Special thanks to the lovely people at Kamui’s Cosplay Community who helped making this list possible.
But before I give you the list, I am going to seize the opportunity to promote my channel as well, because why not. So… check me out? Maybe? Like and subscribe perhaps? We’ve got cats :p
Cosplay YouTube Channel Selection Criteria
As you can imagine, I went through a lot of video channels. I had to decide which ones made it to the list and which ones didn’t, so in order to make my list fair I decided to follow some selection criteria. This list includes:
- Channels over 1K followers
- Cosplay as the MAIN topic
- Focus on Cosplay Tutorials or relevant Cosplay Talk
- Life Vlogs and convention logs channels are excluded
If you are missing any big names, probably it is because they didn’t pass the preselection. Many historical garments, lolita fashion and make up pages didn’t make it even if they had some cosplay related content. They are very informative and I do follow quite a few myself, but I needed to draw the line somewhere. Also, I decided not to add vlogs and convention video channels to the list, as these were quite regionally specific and even if they were interesting, they were not always specifically cosplay related.
Cosplay YouTube Channels
I have taken the time to categorise the channels into categories. Even in cosplay, there are several specific niches and I personally find myself more attracted to some more than others. Although the channels listed here usually cover a variety of topics, I tried my best to categorise them on the list that in my opinion best suited them just to help you out deciding what to watch first.
Armoured Cosplay
Using foam, worbla or 3D printed pieces these masters will show you how they make their full armour builds. Usually from beginning to end. Also check out their tips on how to use common cosplay materials and techniques.
- Kamui Cosplay Everything cosplay, plenty of tutorials on armour builds with foam and worbla, but also 3D printing, cosplay talk and electronics.
- Jessica Nigri Cosplay tutorials, mainly working with foam and funny videos
- Lightning cosplay. Armour builds, props and casting and resin techniques
- Grace Willow Formerly Zonbi Cosplay. Cosplay tutorials, mainly armour and foam builds
- Downen Creative Studios Foamsmithing tutorials and extremely detailed cosplays using cutting machines and other techniques. Also the start of the channel ShePropTalk
- Xieng Prod Mostly big male armour builds in foam
- Cosplay Apprentice Foam armour and useful techniques to use on your cosplay builds
Sewing and general Cosplay
This category includes mostly sew alongs and cosplay tutorials which do not necessarily have to be made with foam and worbla. This section is quite broad and varied.
- Ginny Di Although mostly you find D&D and funny videos in cosplay, you can also find some sewing tutorials and cosplay talks
- Maridah Sew along cosplay techniques to build several cosplays
- A.K. Wirru Sew along cosplays, giant builds and funny videos
- Mira Scarlet Sew along livestreams, tutorials, cosplay talk and props
- Momo Kariño Sew along cosplays and prop making
- Celeste Orchid Sew along cosplays and props
- Colleen Cosplay Sewing tutorials and props
- minjalinjee Sew alongs and detailed explanations, mainly historical cosplay adaptations
If you want to master foamsmithing and other techniques, make sure to check these prop makers out. I separated this category from the armoured cosplay because you will not usually see full builds on this channels but rather single props like masks or weapons to use with your cosplays.
- SKS Props Mainly masks, swords and weapons made with foam
- Punished Props Academy All kinds of props made with different techniques including foam and casting
- Evil Ted Smith Props, masks and armour pieces made with foam as their main material
- Odin Makes Mostly props and some cosplays from popular fandoms in foam but also 3D printed pieces
Wig styling
Although the following channels have plenty of other cosplay related tutorials, i particularly find them useful if you want to learn a bit more about extreme wig styling.
- Kinpatsu Cosplay Main focus on big ponytails and wigs but lots of other cosplay tutorials and cosplay builds as well
- Cowbutt Crunchies Extremely detailed wigs tutorials and very elaborated cosplays are the signature of these cosplayers, you will find cosplay talks as well
Make up and prosthetics
If you want to step up your game with some characterization make up, check these out.
- Alyson Tabitha Incredible movie characterisations and also cosplay tutorials and wig styling
- Kleiner Pixel Cosplay make up tutorials, mainly from anime characters as well as contact lenses recommendations
- Jedimanda Many cosplay tutorials mostly from films as well as make up and prosthetic tutorials.
Cosplay Talk
Do you want to know what it is like being a cosplayer? These youtubers will share with you videos about their views and anecdotes on the cosplay community
- Kirilee Cosplay A lot of cosplay talks as well as historically inspired cosplay builds
- AnyaPanda Cosplay talk, reviews and anecdotes
- MangoSirene Although no longer active, this channel has some good tips and tutorials for cosplayers
- ShePropTalk Podcast style cosplay discussion featuring female, non-binary and transgender cosplayers (Also bumping this channel up even if it has less than 1k as it is a spin off of Downen Creative Studio’s YouTube)
Other languages
Happy with subtitles? Maybe your first language? Don’t for get to check these amazing youtubers as well.
Shappi Videos in Polish with English subtitles. Cosplay tutorials and cosplay talk from an expert in foamsmithing.
Under 1k but going up!
Because we all start small, I also wanted to give a chance to some smaller cosplayers with less than a thousand followers who are just getting started! This is the list of rookies! I can assure you there are some hidden gems on this list. If you have a cosplay channel and you want it added, feel free to send me an email and let me know what your channel is about!
- Alice in Cosplayland Hey! That’s me! Check me out! I mostly post sewing tutorials, cosplay talks and reviews
- Miss Charlie Art Foam and armour tutorials
- Bio Cosplay Foam builds and casting techniques
- StardustMegu Cosplay tutorials and props
- Igna Thyme Prop and foam tutorials in Spanish
- Foamm X Cosplay Foam armour and clip videos in cosplay
- Captain Pira Sewing fabric tutorials and more
- Lenne’s Custom Creations Little props and cosplay inspired videos
There is a full world of possibilities out there, as well as new videos and cosplayers sharing their experiences each day. If you prefer written tutorials, stick around this page for your Cosplay Tutorials and much more. Also, if you are not sure of where to start, feel free to check my Cosplay for Beginners page to get you started! There you can find a list of useful links and tutorials.

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