A cosplayer doesn’t always make a cosplay just for show. Very often, we end up going on stage and perform as our favourite character to entertain our fellow geek audience. It is not easy and you need a lot of courage to do it. It will definitely make you a bit nervous at best. That is why I am going to give you my best advice on stage fright and how to avoid it.
How to avoid stage fright in 6 simple steps
I wasn’t new to stages when I first started cosplaying, but they still terrified me. Since I was a child I had to perform in front of other people. I was a musician and we had to play in front of a big audience every other month. I was also in a choir singing solos and the singer of a heavy metal band (yeah). Despite my background, it was never any easier for me.
1. Be prepared
This is probably one of my best tips. There is nothing worse than going on stage without a plan. You need to at least think what you are going to do before you get up there. This is like an exam, you don’t want to go without revising, do you?

If you have the time, rehearse at home. Write down a plan or your dialogue if you have one. There is a page on my Cosplay Planner that will help you draft it if you need it. Also, if you are part of a group, make sure you dedicate a few minutes before your performance to get it all right. My friend Larxenne and I are well known for improvising our skits

Not only you need to be prepared for your skit but also for your actual performance in stage. Get to the venue with plenty of time and make sure you will be ready on time for the revision and the contest. If you don’t, you will definitely get more nervous. This is something you can easily avoid with a bit of planning.
2. Take deep breaths
It may seem silly but taking deep breaths is actually a big help to calm down. Whenever I have to go on stage I get a bit panicky. The best thing to do is breath. It is exactly like in the films when you have a pregnant lady and someone asking her to breath. Inhale and exhale. Concentrate on your breathing and don’t think about anything for a few minutes. It will help you relax.

It is ok to be a bit nervous. I would say you need to be a need nervous in order to be sharp and perform well. But don’t let it go so far you actually freeze on stage or get a panic attack. Just breath.
3. Sit down and rest
All the tension accumulates in your body. For me it is the back. I used to get terrible back aches. Very often, I ended up lying down on the floor just before performing because I was so tense and so tired I couldn’t move anymore.

The truth is you have accumulated tension, not to mention your lack of sleep, usual day before convention cosplayer syndrome, and that is making you tired. Make sure you sit down and relax before you go on stage. It will make you feel much better. Drinking some water, maybe an isotonic drink and eating a snack is also a good idea as it will give you extra energy.
4. Find a quiet corner
If you can, find a quiet spot, all the noises, the loud music, people talking to you can actually make you feel more nervous. If you need to, go ahead and find a quiet space to stay while you are not needed. It is not always possible, in particular if you are about to perform, but you can do this beforehand. Make sure you are calm before you approach the stage. Mentally go through all the things you want to do, check all your props are ready for the performance and just get ready.

5. Go to the bathroom
Nothing makes me more anxious than knowing that I have to go to the bathroom but I won’t be able to do it if I am on stage. Go ahead and go to the bathroom before you go on stage with plenty of time. It doesn’t matter if you don’t really need to or if you have gone seven times that morning. It is actually a very quiet place and a great excuse to get away from other nervous people around you too.

6. Enjoy yourself
Always remember you are doing this to have fun! And no matter what happens you were very brave to go and do it. Don’t worry about your performance. It doesn’t need to be perfect and there will always be another time. It is not a big deal if it doesn’t go according to plan. And it doesn’t matter if your wig falls off or if your prop breaks halfway through. I’m sure you will still have fun just trying and everyone will enjoy with you.

If everything fails just laugh, you have a great anecdote there you will be able to tell to your friends. I have never had a performance that has gone according to plan, I have commited a hundred and one mistakes and it never mattered. But I always, always smiled at the end. You did it, and your rocked it. Well done.

Have you got any other ways to avoid stage fright? Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments and share this post with someone that may need it.