rapunzel padawan cosplay

Rapunzel Padawan Cosplay

My Rapunzel Padawan cosplay was one of those crazy ideas that you get a few weeks before a convention drinking a strawberry slushie with your best friend. We just wanted to have fun and at the time Disney had just bought the Star Wars franchise. Disney… Star Wars… t looked like a great idea.

I chose the light side of The Force with Rapunzel and my friend Larxenne fell into the Dark side with her Snow White. We used the designs by pushfighter and very soon we had our new cosplays.

How I made my Rapunzel Padawan Cosplay

Star Wars costumery has always been just incredible. Their designs have a lot of Japanese inspiration and that is why I based myself on a gi top for the shirt. However, I did add some darts to it in order to adjust it better to my body and create the illusion of a thin waist as is the style of most Disney films.

The skater skirt was made with a circular pattern. I mixed several satins and cottons to make both the top and the skirt. Some of the skirt was hemmed and in the front part I added bias tape. For this cosplay I mostly used leftover fabric that I had at home. Under the skirt I was wearing another one with a lace trim and a petticoat too. for extra volume. Also, for the overalls I used fabric paints to create some designs on Rapunzel’s style. Finally, I used a toy laser sword and some yarn for her weapon.

For Rapunzel’s make up I tried to imitate that of her film. I painted some freckles and rouge cheeks, pink lips and I used a messy short brown wig and Western Eyes green contact lenses that I bought in Uniqso.

Wearing my cosplay

The first time I wore my cosplay was in a competition in Almeria with my friend Larxenne. We had so much fun practicing a skit with our light sabers! We actually won a second prize. This was probably our funniest skit.

I wore this cosplay again in Liverpool for a photoshoot with amazing photographer Ian Moore. It was a last minute call but I knew the location with the dunes would work great for the character.

I had to overcome my vertigo and sat on top of a tree for the sake of these amazing shots. I almost felt comfortable by the end of the shot! And this is the power of cosplay. You can become someone else for a day and forget about your fears. Best feeling ever.

CharacterRapunzel Padawan
SeriesTangled / Star Wars
FinishedJune 2015
PhotoIan Moore
Worn atFormby Beach
Building time1 week

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