It is almost over, 2019 has been a very interesting year with exciting new changes and some awesome new cosplays. It has also been my 10 year anniversary making cosplays! And I have really enjoyed it. So here you go, this is my Cosplay Year 2019 Recap!
New assistants
If you follow me on Social Media, you will be aware of these two little cuties that have followed my adventures and been my cosplay helpers for the last few months. These two little sisters were rescued from the streets and now have a cozy home full of fabric to claw and patterns to eat (true story here)
Mileena Kitana
Some accomplishments
At the beginning of the year I decided to make a cosplay list of resolutions. They included things like sleeping more, reduce my fabric stash or learn new skills. I think I did quite well in general! I totally got better at sleeping. Also, I was able to use some very old fabric for some of my projects and I got better at using Illustrator and Premiere to edit patterns and videos!
I managed to reopen my YouTube channel again! And hopefully I will be bringing you even more tutorials and cosplay features next year! I can’t wait to show you more of my work in action.

Also, I finally managed to get more patterns up in my Etsy store. I am super thankful to those of you who have decided to trust me and use my patterns for your cosplays. And I will keep adding more useful patterns for cosplay in the future!
I built a new sewing room too! That was stressful, but in the end all worked out so well and I am so so happy with it. It meant a 4 month sewing break! But I came back with lots of new awesome projects, and don’t worry I did catch up.
Another awesome thing that happened was my collaboration with Uniqso. They have been my favourite contact lens supplier since forever and thanks to them I have been able to bring you contact lenses and wig reviews. They also gave me the code ‘ALICECOS’ that you can use for a 10% off in their shop!

Finally, I did open a Ko-Fi page for those of you who want to support my work. Thank you so much! Every little helps. I promise I will upload new rewards and new content on it very soon!
My New Cosplays
And now for the part you love. The cosplay! In total this year I have worn 11 new cosplays. As usual I actually worked on more but they are either not finished or waiting for a photoshoot. I also bought my first cosplay! But I kind of needed to fix it so it wasn’t as hassle free as I expected. I don’t feel super accomplished as I wanted to do much more but circumstances kept pulling me back.

However, I did manage to upload galleries and building processes for most of my cosplays! And I did catch up with many of the old ones too. So feel free to look around if you missed any of them!
- Mulan
- Sena Kashiwazaki
- Jeanne
- Karuta Roromiya
- Carmen Sandiego
- Raven
- Asuka Langley
- Raven Branwen
- Ochako Uraraka (coming soon)
- Asuna Yuuki
- Super Sailor Moon
New photoshoots too
Not only I wore new cosplays. All these characters also got new photoshoots! I have been very busy taking pictures with some amazing photographers like Ian Moore, Stephen Sheridan, Stephen Johnson, Martin Jones or Lizzy Briggs just to name a few. Thank you all so much for your hard work! I wouldn’t be able to show my creations without you. Please check the galleries to see more of their amazing work!
- Athena
- Megurine Luka Synchronicity
- Megurine Luka Magnet
- Karuta Roromiya
- Nonon Jakuzure
- Sailor V
- Lady Sif
- Rapunzel Padawan
In general, 2019 has been a very busy year. I am all ready for 2020 and I am expecting it to be epic! Thanks again for all your support, comments and likes during all this time.
And what next?
Do not worry, I am already filling my new Cosplay Planner with plenty of new ideas! And some of them will be big!
I do not want to spoil anything but one of my first cosplays will be Asui Tsuyu from My Hero Academia. For now I only have a costest for the make up but everything is ready to start sewing and I can’t wait! Expect new tutorials, new videos, new patterns and much more!
But now, it is time to take a break, stay with the family, and gather some strength to be able to carry on! Looking forwards to see what brings the nex year, until then, Happy Holidays and Happy New year!!
Alice in Cosplayland